Privacy Policy.

miis LLC (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’) considers the proper handling of users’ personal information in the services (hereinafter referred to as ‘Services’) provided by the Company to be an important responsibility. In order to comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws and regulations, as well as the guidelines of the Personal Information Protection Commission and other guidelines, and to ensure the appropriate handling of personal information, the following privacy policy has been established.

  1. Business information

Name of legal entity: miis LLC
Address: EX Ebisu-Nishi Building 5F, 2-8-4 Ebisu-Nishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative Partner: Takeshi Sakamoto

  1. Definition of personal information

Personal information in this policy refers to information relating to individuals, as defined in theAct on the Protection of Personal Information.

  1. Compliance with laws and norms

We shall comply with laws, national guidelines, other norms and social order relating to personal information and strive to protect personal information appropriately.

  1. Collection and use of personal information

We may collect personal information to the extent necessary for the provision of the Services, both directly from the person concerned and indirectly by means of browsing the Internet site.
Personal information will be collected appropriately and will not be acquired through deception or other wrongful means.
Measures are also taken to ensure that personal information acquired is not used for any other purpose beyond the ones stated.

  1. purpose of use

The information collected is used for the following purposes.

(1) Personal information of business partners

Contact necessary for business, performance of contracts, business negotiations, management, transfer of goods, etc.
Guidance, communication, surveys, etc. concerning our services.
Data collection and analysis for the maintenance, development, enhancement and improvement of our services and the development of new services.
Other purposes of use with the consent of the person concerned.

(2) Personal information received from business partners and personal information collected on their behalf in outsourced operations

Use within the scope of the purpose of use agreed in the contract with the contractor for the fulfillment of the contract for the commissioned work.

(3) Personal information of various media

To provide information on services, products, etc., to respond to inquiries, to give and receive goods, to conduct questionnaires, etc., in connection with the Company’s business. 
Other purposes of use with the consent of the person concerned.

(4) Personal information of experts, signatories, etc.

Negotiation, production and management of appearances at events, seminars, etc.
To provide information on services, products, etc., to respond to inquiries, to give and receive goods, to conduct questionnaires, etc., in connection with the Company’s business.  
Other purposes of use with the consent of the person concerned.

(5) Personal information collected in the course of the Company’s business

To provide information on services, products, etc., to respond to inquiries, to give and receive goods, to conduct questionnaires, etc., in connection with the Company’s business. 
Data collection and analysis for the maintenance, development, enhancement and improvement of our services and the development of new services.
Response to, confirmation of and recording of inquiries and other support.
Discovery of users violating the terms of use of the services and notification of such users, and investigation, detection, prevention and response to fraudulent acts in relation to the services, etc.
Other purposes of use with the consent of the person concerned.

(6) Personal information of employment applicants

Providing company information, recruitment information, acceptance/rejection and other information to and various communications with applicants for employment.

(7) Personal information of employees, family members of employees and retired employees
Various communications based on laws and regulations and contracts with the Company, sending and communication of necessary documents.
Other purposes of use with the consent of the person concerned.

*Information such as the user’s browsing history obtained from third parties other than the Company may be used in conjunction with the user’s personal information already held by the Company.

  1. Outsourcing

When the handling of personal information entrusted to us is outsourced to subcontractors, we select appropriate subcontractors and take steps to prevent leakage and re-provision by contractual obligations and appropriate operational supervision.

7.Provision of personal information to third parties

The Company will not provide personal information in its possession to third parties, except in the following cases

(1) Where the person concerned has given their consent.

(2) When required by law.

(3) Where it is necessary for the protection of a person’s life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person

(4) Where it is particularly necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound development of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person concerned.

(5) Where it is necessary to cooperate with a state body, a local authority or a person or entity entrusted by one in executing the affairs prescribed by law, and where obtaining your consent may hinder the execution of the affairs concerned.

(6) Where the handling of personal information is outsourced in whole or in part within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use in order to facilitate the smooth performance of business.

  1. Changes to the content

The Company may revise this policy in order to further protect personal information, or in accordance with enactments or changes in laws, regulations or guidelines. Any revisions to this policy will be posted on this website accordingly.

9.Inquiries about personal information

Please contact the following department for procedures for disclosure, correction and suspension of use of personal information held by the Company, as well as for any other inquiries relating to personal information.

Company Name: miis LLC
Established: May 2024
Representative: Takeshi Mikami
Address: EX Ebisu-Nishi Building 5F, 2-8-4 Ebisu-Nishi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Phone Number: 03-6681-0455